Friday, 11 October 2013

Website (3 web pages), Notes on Radio and Key words

Website wireframe: A basic blue print/ skeletal frame of a website.
HTML: Hyper text markup language
Web pages: Home, Radio (Hallam FM) and Conglomerates/ ownership page
Broadcasting act (1990)
Community radio order (2004)

Sheffield Live:
Hallam Fm are a part of the cross media conglomerate, Bauer.
Sheffield Live! is an independent radio station. it is not owned by a separate company, and is in fact a community radio station rathe than just an indie radio station.
Ofcom (office of communications) are a media regulator for Radio broadcasting, Where as companies like the ASA regulate advertisements. Ofcom regulate all content related to radio broadcasts, as well as providing funding funding to small projects.
According to them, a community radio station is a non profit organisation that must act as a benefactor to the local populace (Social gain, something no one else does).

This essentially means:
-Sheffield live must provide service for underserved groups.
-Must facilitate discussions and expressions of the opinion within the community
-Provide training or education to people not employed by the station
-Must help to strengthen the community it serves by serving all of its varying population with different cultures and ethnicity's.

Ultimately it provides a service for underserved groups in a local community that are not targeted by larger companies. 

-The independent company who run Sheffield Live! are Commedia Sheffield Ltd.
-It is run by Sangista Basudev.
-Sheffield live! content cannot crossover with mainstream broadcasting.
-Reaches an audience of 11% of people in the area of sheffield. That is approximately 32,000 a week. While this is less than a profit company radio (such as Bauer), it is still a lot of people, and it stands by its laws as an independent broadcast. it's main targets are under privileged areas where social deprevation can be an issue.
-It has a huge verity of reggae, raga, RnB, jungle, jazz, pop and other traditional music such as african, latin etc.
-It cannot gain more than 50% of running costs from one source advertising revenue, and as such relies on public funding and generosity. The national lottery will sometimes give funding to companies such as Sheffield Live! Ofcom will give support if the station can prove it is worth funding.
-Sangista was only granted a £15,000 per year funded wage. thankfully, she enjoys her job enough to run a radio station off of such a small wage.

Sheffield Live does not run on DAB, and is purely through an FM receiver, designed for Analogue media technology. However, it can be streamed from it's website in the form of podcasts.

Sheffield live shows:

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